Metal blinds s_enn
Pure minimalism in stainless steel

The basic idea of the s_enn metal blind fits on one sheet of paper: it should simply be better. We developed its core component – its slat – in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) in Freiburg. As a result, s_enn reduces the building's energy consumption to the optimum degree. Meanwhile visual contact with the outside world is maintained by the blind's high level of transparency.
With the s_enn metal blind, what we have been able to create is a classic product: a high level of wind stability and a timeless appearance are its stand-out features. Let minimalist aesthetics and utmost precision in stainless steel thrill you!
s_enn product benefits
- Sunshade product with high transparency for optimum visibility to the outside
- Modern stainless steel look
- Modest installation dimensions thanks to small winding diameter
- Low weight thanks to roll-formed components
- Provides perfect daylight
- High reduction in solar energy
- Extremely wind resistant, suitable for tall buildings
- Äußerst windbelastbar, für hohe Gebäude geeignet
Technical benefits
The blinds conform to wind resistance class 5* (equates to resisting winds of up to 21 m/s). This makes s_enn, s_enro much more wind stable than conventional external blinds and textile awnings. * Dependent on dimensions and installation situation
As soon as the sun rises to more than 21º above the horizon, any direct penetration of the sun’s rays is completely cut out.
The blinds are able to prevent up to 85% of incident solar energy. Air-conditioning costs can thus be greatly reduced or air conditioning not used at all.
A high level of transparency from inside to outside thanks to an opening percentage of c. 21%.
The stainless steel micro slats can be easily recycled.

- Material: Stainless steel micro slats, roll-formed
- Width: min. 0.65 m, max. 2.70 m
- Height: max. 4.5 m
- Surface area: max. 12 m2
- Blind weight: c. 4.2 kg/m²
- Energy reduction: gtotal = 0.16 (1), gtotal = 0.10 (2)
- Wind stability: max. resistance class 5*
- Drive system: 230V tubular motor
- Schutzanforderung durch Steuerung: Windsensor und Frostwächter
- Control system protection requirement: Wind monitor and frost sensor
We reserve the right to make technical changes without prior notice
(1) Metal blind in combination with thermally insulating glazing (total energy transmittance of the glazing as per EN 410: 0.53)
(2) Metal blind in combination with sunshade glazing (total energy transmittance of the glazing as per EN 410: 0.36)
* Dependent on dimensions and installation situation
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